čtvrtek 30. prosince 2010

Příroda v ohrožení

Projekt: Natureza em risco
Navrhl: Lara Plácido /architektka, Sara Bento Botelho  /sochař
Umístění: Ponte de Lima/ Portugalsko

Festival Internacional de Jardins de Ponte de Lima

úterý 28. prosince 2010

Zelená invaze

Design: Genaro Alva – Architekt, Claudia Ampuero- Designerka, Denise Ampuero – Architektka (Pop Up Architecture), Gloria Andréa Rojas – Architektka (Pop Up Architecture)
Místo: Historické centrum Lima, Peru
Realizátoři: Ing. Juan Carlos Jaullis , Ing. Ana Martinez , Cecilia Rejtman - sochařka

sobota 25. prosince 2010

Nová studentská soutěže ve Švýcarsku - STUDENT DESIGN COMPETITION

Téma: Urban bounderies

Dealing with land as a resource in a sustainable way is a globally recognized goal. However, towns and villages continue to expand as long as there is sufficient space. The pressure on the landscape is growing. All too often it is still regarded as potential development land. In conjunction with these trends, the urban boundary is becoming critically important – it is the link to the open landscape that allows humans to meet their fundamental need to experience nature.
Definition and analysis of the problems of the chosen area should be made.
Land uses at the urban boundary and in the adjacent undeveloped land should be described and potential conflicts addressed and resolved.
The proposals should be outlined at conceptual level (scale from 1:10’000 to 1:5’000) and refined at a scale from 1: 2’000 to 1:500.
The conceptual statements on the urban boundary should address the following aspects (although the projects are not limited only to these):
  • Function
  • Use
  • Accessibility to the area
  • Mobility through the area
  • Access within the area
  • View from the area
  • View into the area
Detailed concepts will indicate design resolution of the issues, and may include such aspects as facilities, choice of materials and ambiance.
The Competition is open to all students of Landscape Architecture, or allied discipline (where a country or university does not include a formal Landscape Architecture program). Both individual and group submissions will be accepted, and each student or group is permitted only one entry.
Broad interdisciplinary submissions are welcome; however, the project must be about landscape architecture.
The number of members in each participating group shall not exceed five (5).
Professional collaborators and associates of the members of the jury and their relatives may not enter the competition.
  1. March 26th 2011: Deadline for entries
  2. April 12th 2011: Jury
  3. June 27-29 2011: Presentation

Contact regarding the competition
HSR Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil
Oberseestrasse 10
CH-8640 Rapperswil
Více informací na stránkách IFLA, http://www.ifla2011.com/student-competition.html

středa 15. prosince 2010

úterý 14. prosince 2010

Zahrady a parky v České republice na GardenVisit.com

Veškeré informace na Gardenvisit.com - The Garden and the Landscape Guide

Vrtbovská zahrada (Praha)

Překreslit Paříž

Jedno z nejnavštěvovanějších měst světa se brzy změní. Francouzský prezident Nicolas Sarkozy vybral 10 architektů a rozhodl vybudovat "Velkou Paříž".
Každý z těchto architektů má nárok na 30ti minutovou prezentaci svých nápadů. Výzvou tohoto projektu nebylo jen světlo samotného města, ale také jeho rozšíření.
Po tomto velkém projektu s názvem Zelené město čeká Paříž další soutěž, a to o nejlepší architektonický projekt. Počkejte a uvidíte.

Design: MVRDV společně s ACS + AAF

Design: Antoine Grumbach

Design: Lin, Finn Geipel + Giulia Andi

DesignL'AUC (Djamel Klouche)

DesignStudio O9

DesignAtelier Christian de Portzamparc

DesignGroupe Descartes, Yves Lion 

DesignAtelier Roland Castro & Sophie Denissof 

DesignRogers Stirk Harbour & partners  

 DesignJean Nouvel, Jean-Marie Dutilheul, Michel Cantal-Dupart  

Stránky: Le Grand Pari